CHIPS Volunteers – Volunteer Week 2016

CHIPS has an incredible group of volunteers. Without them, we simply wouldn’t be able to offer the services and support to our families that we do.

Each year, our play worker volunteers who work directly with our young people, donate around 966 hours to each scheme! That’s a staggering 4,830 hours across all our five play schemes! If you equate that to how many smiles they create in that same time, the numbers really do hit home.

Behind the scenes CHIPS has a strong core of Trustees, who meet up around once a term, and help direct the charity. We also have incredible volunteers working on our fundraising, book keeping, payroll, maintenance, IT support and lots (lots!) more!

There are so many different ways that you can volunteer at CHIPS, and in each one, you’d be making an important contribution to what we do, so why not check out our Current Vacancies page to see if there are any areas you can help in. Even if you think you can contribute to somewhere we are not currently recruiting for, please do get in touch, as we’re always looking for new people to join the charity.




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